All Complaints regarding the service offered should be made in one of the following ways:
In writing, addressed to, 1st Intensive Driving Ltd, Suite 437, 37 Westminster Buildings, Theatre Square, Nottingham, NG1 6LG
By email at in**@dr*************.com
By contacting us by telephone on 0333 7722674
When making a Complaint, you will be required to provide the following information in as much detail as is reasonably possible:
Your name, address, telephone number and email address (we will contact you using your preferred contact method as your Complaint is handled);
If you are making a Complaint on behalf of someone else, that person’s name and contact details as well as your own;
Further details of your Complaint including, as appropriate, all times, dates, events, and people involved;
Details of any documents or other evidence you wish to rely on in support of your Complaint.
Details of what you would like Drive-Intensive Ltd to do to resolve your Complaint and to put things right. (Please note that whilst we will make every reasonable effort to accommodate such requests, we are not bound to take any action beyond that which we may be contractually or otherwise legally obliged to take.)
How We Handle Your Complaint
Drive-Intensive Ltd operates a one-stage complaints handling procedure. Following the Complaints Procedure, the aim is to always resolve Complaints to your satisfaction without further recourse to external resolution. If you are not satisfied at the end of the procedure, you may escalate your Complaint to external resolution.
Stage 1 procedure-.
We will confirm receipt of your complaint via your chosen method of contact. We aim to resolve complaints within 30 days, however in some cases, particularly if your Complaint is of a complex nature, this may not be possible. If this is not possible for any reason you will be informed of the delay, the likely length of the delay and the reasons for it.
We may require additional information or evidence to resolve your complaint. You should provide such information or evidence quickly to avoid delaying the complaints handling process. If you are for any reason unable to provide such information or evidence, we will use all reasonable efforts to proceed without it, however, please be aware that we will not ask for further information or evidence unless we consider it important to the successful resolution of your Complaint.
At the conclusion of the complaints procedure, regardless of the outcome, we will provide you with full details of the investigation, our conclusions from that investigation, and any action taken as a result.
Our decision at this stage is final.
If at this stage, you are not happy with the outcome, you can pursue the matter further in one of the following ways:
1, If your complaint relates to the conduct of your Driving Instructor, you should contact the Driver & Vehicle standards agency (DVSA). Driving Instructors work on a self employed basis, and their conduct is overseen by the DVSA. You can contact them via the link below-
2, Should you be unhappy with the way your Course was organised or have a dispute over payments made directly to Drive-Intensive Ltd, you can contact the following to pursue the matter further. This would normally be done via making a small claim. You can find guidance on this here-
Alternatively, you can contact Citizens Advice for further guidance.
Confidentiality and Data Protection
All Complaints and information relating thereto are treated with the utmost confidence. Such information will not be shared with any third party.
All personal information that we may collect (including, but not limited to, your name and address) will be collected, used and held in accordance with the provisions of UK data protection law (including but not limited to the UK GDPR, the Data Protection Act 2018, and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003) and your rights thereunder.
Policy Responsibility and Review
Overall responsibility for this Complaints Policy lies with 1st Intensive Driving Ltd.
This Complaints Policy is regularly reviewed and updated as required.
This Complaints Policy was adopted on 02-10-2024.